Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Extreme sail in the Carrot

I'm too old for this sort of thing!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Another drifty sail in the Jav

Had a nice drifty sail in the Jav with C&P

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Drifty Sail in the Jav

It was a beautiful sunny and almost windless morning - the conditions in which M was prepared to risk setting out with me in the Jav. We had a nice drift down the cut but the wind was too feeble to get us to the Point so we drifted around the committe boat. A highlight was seeing Juno on the move. We let her go out before us and we had a goood view of her hoisting sail int the pit. We tacked off up the Cley Channel and then came back via the Northeast Passage. Ironically the wind had picked up by then so we may have been able to get to the Point. Fortunately the wind had veered sufficiently for us to get back on one tack.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Around the Cley Channel

Not a bad morning's sail. There was a gentle SW wind and it was sunny! I was going to go to the point but had a problem with the halyard (seems to loads of sand in the mast so the cleat doesn't work). That took up time so I went to the Cley Channel instead and sailed around a bit. Tried the p-cam under the boom - seems OK. Did a bit of handheld stuff which was a bit dodgy.

Below are some stills of two terns I disturbed, the new sluice by the Cley Beach Road and a couple of other sailors....and an edit of the video.

Not a bad morning's sail. There was a gentle SW wind and it was sunny! I was going to go to the point but had a problem with the halyard (seems to loads of sand in the mast so the cleat doesn't work). That took up time so I went to the Cley Channel instead and sailed around a bit. Tried the p-cam under the boom - seems OK. Did a bit of handheld stuff which was a bit dodgy.