Monday, August 24, 2009

Seals and Pinchers Creek

9.2 tide. I went early with Rick in the Jav to the seals and a bit beyond (the next green buoy) quite drifty then met up with Chris in Ethelred and Richard in the Laser. All attempted the passage around the sand-dune at the end of Pincher's creek but tide just wasn't high enough. Strong tide, poor wind on return and had to pull all the way up the creek. Richard came a bit later by which time the wind had turned and he could run in.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mega tide, Zephyr to the point

9.5 tide! Very Sunny day. Took Zephyr with Rick, Phil, Cath and Kim. Did the full trip of trip to seals and landing on point to visit lifeboat house and boardwalk. Picked up passengers at quay in style and sailed all the way to the point. Had to motor-sail much of the way back. Zephyr did well, despite having just a little, fixed, centreboard .

Saturday, August 22, 2009

To the point again with 3 boats

Mary banged her knee yesterday and Rick fancied a go in the carrot so I took Chris as crew in the Jav. Richard went in the laser. We had a really good sail, enough wind to zip along nicely but not too much to force Chris out on the trapeze - but she did take a harness! Rick did very well in the carrot with the reduced sail and Richard did well in the Laser but struggled a bit with too much wind. We went to see the seals (they may not have been there, I can't remember) and then stopped on the point for a bit. Rick joined us but Richard missed us and went back early. Cracking sail.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lego Hunt

Rick and Richard strapped a 2hp outboard to BoP and performed a magnificent retrieval mission on the nearest lego block. It is now just at the entrance to the boat park and I guess many people are wondering how on earth it got there.

A great sail to the point

Mary and Chris went in Ethelred, Rick and I in the Jav and Richard in the Laser. The Jav did a bit of too-ing and fro-ing then we met up on the point. Had a pretty good reach back and even managed to get up the cut on one tack. Mary managed to get rather wet!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Too windy and late for sailing

Ethelred went motoring with Chris, Mary, Katherine and Rick on board. Richard I went canoeing. It was pretty windy and Ethelred went to the end of the cut and then turned round to explore Agar Creek. The canoeists followed after watching Juno come up the cut to moor on the hard. I don't think many people sailed so this was the best option.

A lovely morning sail - but no seals!

Rick and set off in the Jav and had a pretty good sail - windy enough for some trapezing but not too hectic. We got to far point but there were no seals there!
There was some hard tacking to get up the cut.
Not sure yet what other sailing went on: Ethelred? Laser?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

All out for an evening sail

Richard and Chris went out in Ethelred, Jen and I in the Carrot and Rick in his minisail. It was quite windy and unfortunately Rick suffered an epuipment failure: The tiller extension broke and it was almost impossible to sail after that. Jen and I brought a spare but we had all pretty much had enough by then. That could well be Rick's last sail in the minisail. (:
This was Ethelred's first sail for severa years and the first one with the new mast. All went very well.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fun Week Day One: Agar Creek Crawl

The Commodore (aka Minister of Fun) made a stirring speech before we set off - basically warning us to keep out of the way of the Seal Boats!

It was a dead run out of the cut then a brisk reach to the mouth of the Morston Creek. We had a fairly exciting tack up the creek and stopped for a while on the hard there. M walked to Morston and took some pics of the fleet on the actual creek crawl part: