Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Aug 19
M&B to pinchen's with Chis (Laser) & Diane (Topper). Drifty to start so towed Topper to end of cut. M cooked breakfast. Wind was E then backed ENE so even though winds were light they were very good for minimising beating. Bent on the spinnaker - could have been handy on the way out.

Aug 7 2012
Heather Solo. Bill, Richard & Eve Wanderer. No GPS. Went to see seals then landed on point opp lifeboat house. B&R brought coffee, H & E brought croissants, toast, salami, jam, marmite and sausage rolls!
Had a short walk to the top of the boardwalk. Wind SSW 3-4

Aug 6 2012
Mary, Bill and Chris in Wanderer. Wind 3 SW, GPS? To seals? Landed on point near lifeboat house and did short boardwalk. Managed to sail back without needed to tack up the cut.

Aug 5 2012
Marsh Marathon! Sailed to mouth of Morston crekk to receive baton from Chris in her canoe after Rik swam/cycled/ran from the greasy pole. Wind wasn't brilliant at first to get to lifeboat house but probably quicker than canoeing. Sailed back to the point after handing baton back and saw the new plaque covered ready for unveiling in a few minutes but we didn't wait.

Aug 4 2012
Morston regatta. Rik Solo, Bill & Chris in Wanderer. Went to the seals and then back to point opposite lifeboat house anchored. Went all the way along the boardwalk to the sea. Had to pull the boats most of the way up the creek in dying wind and hefty tide.

Aug 3 2012
Bill, Jenny & Chris in Wayfarer. Breakfast Wars at Stiffkey Freshes! Our Orange Juice, eggs, bacon, beans and waffles almost did the trick but the Sidgwicks upped their game and fried tomatoes, fried bread and gawd knows what else. We felt we held our end up though.

Aug 2 2012
Fun week breakfast on the point. Jen & Rik in Solo, Mary & Bill in Predator. Solo went to see seals before joining others at Pinchen's Creek. Much banter about naked flames on the point. Joe, Jane, Susie, Seymours and Sidgewicks were there and went to see seals but we went sgtraight back.
(see diary for Jen's tale of exploits in Solo)

Aug 1 2012
BSC Fun Week day on the sands
Bill in Solo. Rik cycled/walked mid morning in time for rounders. Mary & Jen walked all the way in time for lunch. The others left soon aftger lunch while Bill faffed about with the others and there was the usual business of waiting for the tide in the pit as we set off too early as you do. quite strong wind.

July 31 2012
Bill & Rik in short row/sail while NWNSA was drifting about. Only went to end of Cut and back

July 21 2012
Short and sharp solo sail

July 22 2012
Mary & Bill in Wanderer to seals then to Pinchen's creek for cooked breakfast. Saw Betty's topper had drifted across creek.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Last sail of the summer?

Mary and Bill had a drifty sail in the Wanderer. There was hardly a breath of wind at first and very few starters (just an RS400 to begin with). We motored to beyond the committee boat and then had a spinnaker run to the east, tacked back and had another - fortunately we had the spinnaker set nicely when passing Sean!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Brisk sail to the point

Ma\ry Bill and Tish went to the point in the Wanderer.
Not as sunny as we had hoped - in fact there was quite a sea fret

Saturday, September 1, 2012

To the point - few seals

I set off to the point with the usual suspects. I took a short cut across the marsh. The wind increased to give some decent sailing. Very few seals on the point, a few in the water.

I tried 'mastcam'!

Saturday, June 2, 2012