Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seals, lifeboat and lifeboat house

Second sail of the season. A fairly strong and gusty SW wind. I got out to the point in a couple of tacks, took some photos of the newly restored exterior of the lifeboat house and then set off to far point. There were quite a few seals on the shore and in the sea. A lifeboat swung into the harbour briefly. I had a fast and slightly hairy broad reach back to the pit, a swift reach past the finishing race and managed to get up the cut in a couple of tacks.

View from inside the lifeboat house:

View from the new walkway

A lifeboat breezed in and quickly out again

There were a goodly number of seals

Speeding towards the lifeboat house

Caught on webcam going out...

...and coming in

I should have a GPS trace

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hail the first sail of the season!

It was a wet-suit day for the first sail of the season. It was a gusty N-NW wind which meant a tricky tack out of the cut. I sailed towards the point, minding my own business and keeping out of the way of the race when a hailstorm hit us.

I headed out to the pit but decided not to go any further as there was no one else about and it could have got dodgy in squally conditions

Instead, I had a long, fast reach all the way to the Cley channel to the junction with the old and new cut near the beach road. I tried to stop but it was tricky in the gusts so I just headed back  - at quite a rate.

 It being the first sail of the seaon there were bound to be a few teething problems. The most irritating was that I hadn't rigged my usual bungy centreboard downhaul so had to make a lash-up with one of my essential 'bits of string'

I reached towards buoy 6 and then sailed back with the leaders of the last race with an exciting run down the cut which wasn't quite as hairy as I was fearing.

I should have a GPS trace
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