Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dodgy start and short lively sail

Jen and I went in the Jav, Mary and Christina went in Ethelred. It was windier out than we thought. Jen and I had a few furious reaches towards the watch-house and up and down the cut. Plenty of planing. The helmet-cam refused to work properly so could only grab a few shaky seconds. Ethelred went out out a bit further but came back quite quickly as Mary was absolutely drenched with spray. Had a bit of a panic when the spinnaker halyard came loose as I was attaching the jib - so the mast came crashing down! Jen and I managed to raise it again but I had struggle a bit to get the 'foot' sorted out as it became detached from the bottom of the mast. All seems OK now and there were no other equipment failures.Note: The usual rudder is too long in shallow waters (like reaching across the marsh today) so I might use the other rudder sometimes - and maybe even shorten it.

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