Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Too much wind for sailing

The Fun Week programme was to have breakfast on Blakeney Point. It was far too windy for dinghyt sailing. Mary and I set off in Zephyr but it was really too windy even to set sail. We went back to the mooring but I could only attach the painter close to the mooring stake. This meant Zephyr blew over the path (you can see this in the photo below).
I eventually went canoeing and persuaded Rose & Richard to have a go, too. This also meant I had a way to get back to moor Zephyr properly later.

We eventually had to have breakfast in the lee of the club hut!
It was a strange thing to eat a bacon & egg butty while canoeing.
Went out for an evening sail (Richard L in laser, to) and had a good time.

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