Saturday, June 26, 2010

First sail of the season in the Javelin

B, H and T got up early to go sailing in the Jav. It was very still so we rigged the spinnaker and gave it a go. We had expert tuition from H and seemed to have got the basics of spinnakering sorted. We identified a few glitches which we fixed later in the day (new main halyard cleat, tightened up the spinnaker boom downhaul and loosened the shrouds to give the mast a more forward rake).

Here we are setting off:

The webcam caught us going out:

B, H and T got up early to go sailing in the Jav. It was very still so we rigged the spinnaker and gave it a go. We had expert tuition from H and seemed to have got the basics of spinnakering sorted. We identified a few glitches which we fixed later in the day (new main halyard cleat, tightened up the spinnaker boom downhaul and loosened the shrouds to give the mast a more forward rake).

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