Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tranquil evening trip in Zephyr

Previously in the afternoon I had taken the motor down to Zeohyr and pumped her out. In the evening M & I took all the rigging down, put it in the cabin and set off under motor.
It was a beautifully calm evening. The wind was still northerly but a gentle force 2 - a far cry from the morning.
We motored over to Watch-house beach (to the east of watch-house creek) and tied up to some shrubby blight [Mem: I could put a stake/ring here to make mooring easier]. We had a nice stroll to the beach (disturbing a family of Oystercatchers) and watched the waves:

We then rigged Zephyr.
[Note the useful oil drum I found on the beach]

M helmed on the way home - we made it all the way under sail.

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